Dear blog-reading friends, thank you
so much for helping celebrate my 11 years in Russia by taking a few minutes to stop by and say
preev-YET - that's like
howdy in these parts. It's been simply delightful to read your comments and learn a bit about you and your interest in things Russian.
So here are our prizes to be awarded to three lucky
vinners. Oh first, let me explain why we're talking so funny here: The Russian alphabet does not include the
W sound. It does have several sounds we don't have in English, but not the
w. So Russian-speaking folks, when speaking English, tend to substitute the
V sound for the W. Oh, and then also, there's no
th sound in Russian, so when learning English, that often that becomes a
zee or
es sound. But that all pales in comparison to the matters at hand, which are these items made from white birch, a tree common to the massive timberlands of northern Russia. Birch wood makes for nice little souvenirs, да (da)?
So we have eleven comments, which is perfect for 11 years here and the names are above. As you see, what we have here is a high-tech operation.
And here into the little bowl sugar bowl go the randomly-generated names.
Oh time out to talk about this pottery, called
SemekaraKORSK - at least that's how I say it - made in a nearby village of the same name. One of the most popular souvenirs I take back to the US is a little salt dish with a hen sitting on the edge, made from this pottery. That might be fun for a future drawing, yes? But let us not digress. . .
And here are the winners! First place goes to John from Kansas. Second to Mica and Charlie. Third to Katie (and Tony). Oh this is perfect!
John from Kansas has stopped by my blog nearly from the get-go back in January 2006, back when the blog got maybe two hits a day. Thank you John! I have really appreciated all your encouragement and comments over the years!
So, what goes to whom? Well, of the top 3 winners, Katie (and Tony) mentioned the square box. Other two didn't specify, so I trust you'll be happy with whatever. So John, how about the round box goes to you. And Mica and Charlie, the little shoes to you. That might be just perfect, considering the charming legend that goes with the shoes and your dear son from Chelyabinsk, Russia.
So will ze lucky vinners please contact me by email (eileen.emch* with your mailing addresses. Oh and thank you all, Each and Every One, for stopping by and saying hello! I'm going to read through all your comments again here in a minute and that will warm my Slavic soul on a cold, mushy, slushy Monday!
Eileen!!! I am SO stink'in excited! I have never won anything from a blog...and when I do it is with a Russian item. Get out! In all seriousness, thank you for your kindness and generosity. I love reading your blog and look forward to updates. You have such a funny sense of humor!
PS-I have privately emailed you
Charlie told me he had emailed you, but I am so excited about the little shoes! I can't figure out what I am going to do with them, but they will get a place of honor in our home! I loved the Yalta lesson. I always learn something from you.
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