Monday, January 03, 2011

Father Frost Sightings in Rostov-on-Don

Leading up to New Year's Day, Father Frost was busy spreading cheer to children all over Russia. He managed to stop by a local orphanage, home to 100 little ones.

(Click images to enlarge.) Father Frost was accompanied by Snow Maiden, his helper. Watch this space for more about this entertaining event ~ maybe video, too.

Although he doesn't usually dress in yellow or rip-snort around on a motorcycle, here's Father Frost as you've never seen him before. Gotta hand it to Beeline, a popular telecommunications company, for their attention-grabbing advertising. The heading says New Year's gifts year-round, promoting their internet service for cell phones.


Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

It is also interesting to see how Christmas is celebrated in other countries. While in Belgium this year I learned about Black Pete Father Christmas's helper. Oh how unacceptable a person in black face would be in North America.

Andrey said...

I think that nowadays there is some competition between Father Frost and Santa Claus, and we meet Santa more and more often. Great opportunity for kids: they can get two gifts. Just need to write to letters ))

Pinecone Stew said...

All of the photographs are MARVELOUS!!! What a treat to see Russia through the sensibilities of an American. Thank you for sharing.