These folks did! They had a baby and earned a free car. They'll be paying for *it* for at least 22 years though, according to my calculations.
In at least one Russian city, today is being billed as -- how to put this delicately? -- Conception Day. You'll want all the details of course - who knows, this might fly in Your hometown too -- and all the details are here in a copyrighted story.
Happy...Happy...Car shopping! (Note: a refrigerator or cash are other options.)
That's hilarious! Although I have to say, it seems a little unfair. You'd think by now Danny and i would have earned at least one car . ..
Oh you've earned waaay more than a car, Charity. There's a loaded-to-the hilt semi over here with your name on it. Only hitch is - it's a do-it-yourself delivery. =) EEmch
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