As you can see, Russia is into Chinese astrology. That's not my cuppa tea but it is fun to see the animal of the year absolutely everywhere. We were talking about this recently in our children's Bible class and one little guy piped up and said, I was born in the year of the snake! Another said, Well, I was born in the year of the lion. Somebody else said, Hey, I was born in the year of the snake too!
Well,how about you? Do you happen to know the animal of the year in the year of your birth?
Hi, Eileen!
Happy New Year and may all your Dreams become true!
As for your question being Russian, of course, I know an animal of my year - it's a Snake... consider very wise in Oriental countries. And Kyle's year is a Dog - very Faithful (what is true!)
Best wishes!
Svet and Kyle
Hello E
I just scanned the internet and found that I was born in the year of the Horse. I am full of energy and preceptive. Oh, yes, I am a photographer. Check out my blog and scan back to previous blogs. I have won several ribbons at photography contests. I designed a calendar last year as a family present. Still working with some ideas for this years calendar...buying it in Jan will be cheaper than buying them in Dec.
Hey Kyle and Svet, THANK YOU for the New Year wishes. And Merry Orthodox Christmas to you - today! See, I don't even know my animal according to the Chinese horoscope. But Sveta, you've sparked my curiousity with the snake thing. Yikes - wise like a snake, eh?
Rose, NEAT - I must look at those award-winning photos of yours. See, somehow I missed out on those... your photo calendar idea is neat. What program do you use for that? (a computer program?) Very nice, a keepsake for sure. My sister did that one year and it has become really precious... E
Hi Eileen...it's Patti from the writing course. You have a very impressive blog! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas (a day late).
Hello dear Patti!!! Oh thanks so much for your feedback. So Now you see what I was doing last weekend instead of writing an essay for class... ;) And thanks so much for your earlier comment back on WW2. Are you a history buff by chance? Also wondering - do you blog too? E
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